Spotify Time Capsule

I was playing around on spotify and organising my playlists, and I looked in the "Made For You" section. If you don't use spotify, that section has three auto-generated playlists: On Repeat, which is songs you listen to a lot, Repeat Rewind, which is songs that you used to listen to a lot, and Time Capsule, which I guess is songs you used to listen to but haven't in a long time?? Anyways, I thought it might be fun to look at my time capsule and see how my opinions on the songs have changed ^^

1. Atlantis - Seafret
I have literally never listened to this song before. I'm listening to it as I write this and the chorus sounds familiar, I'm pretty sure it went viral on tiktok at some point and it sounds sad, so I probably was Having Feelings one night and listened on repeat for a while. It's on okay song, but I'm not going to add it to my playlists or anything.

2. One For The Road - Arctic Monkeys
I was really into AM in high school. The album this song is from is my favourite from them, I think. They have really really nice basslines, I like british bands a lot, and obviously Alex Turner's voice is great too. Arctic Monkeys and Maneskin is the other band I used to really really like, I remember for Year 12 music I was going to play Mammamia by Maneskin and Arabella by Arctic Monkeys for my solo performance assessment. Of course, I dropped out before that happened.

3. Sweden - C418
Minecraft music??? I never really listened to chill instrumental music like that so no idea why this is on here. The minecraft soundtrack is good, don't get me wrong, I just have always liked more LOUD songs, ya know?

4. Bottom - McCafferty
Yeah, I remember listening tot his song loads. I used to really like McCafferty, although I was never super into that genre. I don't know what it's called, folk? Maybe. I like McCafferty and Wilbur Soot's acoustic covers though, I tried listening to The Front Bottoms but never got into them too much. I think Hobo Johnson is that genre too? I used to really like his song Typical Story (before my ex). Anyways back to McCafferty, I do like his music. Don't listen to him very much nowadays because I mainly listen to punk stuff, but I do have some of his songs on my sad playlist.

5. Daddy Issues - The Neighbourhood
I had a really big NBHD phase in high school. I really loved (and still do) the album Wiped Out!. It has some really good songs, pretty sad music. Or, less sad, more chill. I remember relating to Daddy Issues a lot back then.

6. Collard Greens - Kendrick Lamar
Ohhhh yeah I remember when I used to listen to this lots. It must have been 2021/2022 when I was friends with Helen, I don't talk to her anymore but I listened to a lot of rap music when we were friends. I'll add it to my rap playlist, although I very rarely listen to it.

7. I'm Not A Vampire - Falling In Reverse
I love this song!! It's on my playlist "Transgenderism" and I used to listen to it loads :] I love vampires

8. You Reposted in the Wrong Neighbourhood - Shokk
I remember this from my DreamSMP phase! There was a couple of parodies made from this song made with clips of streamers saying shit, I remember one went "S tot he L to the A to the V / I have an idea, now he can't breathe / Stop! Why- What are you, my mother? / NOOOO YOU MOTHERFUCKER / Daddy think you for the 25 bits / Not anymore George, you stupid bitch / That's the whitest thing I've ever done / Tommy d'you wanna see the vlog gun? / Alexa, what is 9+10? / Umm well Techno's my friend / Now chat is gonna say the line :( / Nahhh its fine". Why do I still remember all of that. It is forever ingrained into my brain.

9. This Is Home - Cavetown
EWWWW THIS IS EMBARASSING. Okay, yes. I had a minor Cavetown phase a few years ago. It was fine, and contained. I liked a few songs of his. I did not, do not, and will not, like This Is Home. That song is fucking overplayed and I just don't like it! I don't even like Cavetown at all.

10. Don't You Dare Forget The Sun - Get Scared
Oh yay I love get Scared! This is a really good song, it's on my Transgenderism playlist! Somebody I was friends with in high school, Bat, loves Get Scared and I think they introduced me to them. My favourtie song from them is Whore I think.

11. I Hate You, I Love You - Gnash + Olivia O'Brien
I used to listen to this song a lot. It's super sad, and super relateable. I remember I discovered it during my Aphmau phase. (wow, this thing is going wayyy back into the depths of my fucked up childhood) I used to listen to all those edits and AMVs as my form of listening to music. Yeah, for some reason I couldn't grasp the concept of a streaming platform or playlists so I would look up "aphmau songs" on youtube and listen to whatever the algorithm fed to me. Worst way of listening to music, by the way. But I digress; this song is pretty nostalgic for me because of that! I remember it was a Travlyn edit that I used to listen to it. If you know what that is, then we are both entitled to fincancial compensation.

12. Afraid - The Neighbourhood
Another NBHD song! I don't have much to add here. It is definitely a really nice song, though. The lyrics are lovely, NBHD have some really great lyrics.

15. Gasoline - Halsey
Another song from my Aphmau phase... I remember being a kid and listening to this song, I didn't understand why I liked it so much or why it reminded me of me. Fast forward 8 years, I now know that I have BPD! And the song is about Halsey's bipolar, so close enough. I remember fixating on the lyric "You're part of a machine / You are not a human being / I think there's a flaw in my code". I spent so long trying to figure out what it meant, but at least now it's pretty fucking obvious. Being autistic and borderline, being told my entire life that there's something wrong with me just the way that I exist, yeah..

13. My Kind Of Woman - Mac DeMarco
Hmm it sounds vaguely familiar. I think I used to listen to this in Year 12 music. My friend and I always sat in the recording room and played music and talked instead of actually doing work. This song really reminds me of that friend, it's the genre that he used to listen to a lot and I'm sure I've seen this song on his playlist. Kinda nostalgic so I guess spotify got that right (although I'm not sure if 2022 really counts as nostalgia)

14. I Can't Handle Change - Roar
This song definitely fits the quota. I remember in my DreamSMP phase - around 2020 - I used to listen to youtube playlists of my favourite characters instead of making my own playlists. I remember this playlist I used to listen to all the time, it was called "watching the bees with Tubbo" or something like that, and this song was on there. I used to really like this song, I put it on my sad playlists and everything, but I don't really like it very much anymore. I don't necessarily dislike it, I just grew out of it I guess.

15. R.I.P. 2 My Youth - The Neighbourhood
The third NBHD song on this playlist. I won't be surprised if there's lots more. I used to really like this song, and I still do. Great lyrics, nice drums, I know the bassline aswell.

16. Turn The Lights Off - Tally Hall
Tally Hall is fun! Lots of really fun songs. I know this song on bass aswell! Very vibey, I approve.

17. Blondie - Current Joys
It sounds familiar, but I can't remember listening to it. It sounds like the sort of song to be on one of my high school sad playlists.

18. Control - Halsey
Yet another song from my Aphmau phase D: This song is very good, I remember watching edits of Laurance when he got turned into a Shadow Night. Is that what happened? It's been a very long time since I cared about Aphmau lore, but I do remember him being in the Nether in this edit. Aside from miencraft roleplaying though, I like this song. Very cool feel to it, fun lyrics, all around creepy spooky time!

19. Centuries - Fall Out Boy
It appears the Aphmau songs are still popping up here. Full transparancy, I love Fall Out Boy now, regardelss of Aphmau, the album American Beauty/American Psycho is really nostalgic for me because I used to listen to it while playing Stardew Valley in year 9. I didn't have any friends and everything kind of sucked for me back then, but at least I had Sebastian and Patrick Stump to keep me company. Actually, Pete Wentz was one of my biggest inspirations for getting me into bass!

20. The Run And Go - 21 Pilots
I had a biiiiiiiiiiiig TOP phase in high school. From 2018 to 2022 I was super obsessed with them. I remember they came here for their Trench tour but I didn't know until too late to get tickets because I didn't use any social media D: I've actually banned myself from listening to them because their music is ADDICTIVE for me. I don't know what it is, every time I listen to them I get super sucked in again. ESPECIALLY the Blurryface album. If I ever listen to Heavydirtysoul again its JOEVER. ITS JOEVER FOR ALLLLLLLLLLLL OF YOU. It's all I will ever talk about or listen to ever again. Do not let me listen to 21 Pilots.

21. Looking Out For You - Joy Again
OUGH. OUGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. That's the sound I just made, in real life, out loud, at 3am. Sorry flatmates. I'm emotionally distraught by this song. The NOSTALGIA. IM NOT OKAY. It's just ocurred to me that there haven't been any My Chem songs yet which is surprising. Back on track though, OUGHHHH. "This is a love song for a girl who will never know it's about her" OUGH. OUGH. I remember listening to this song. I remember being so incredibly depressed to this song. I hate this song I used to love it so much. It's so good.

22. Discord - The Living Tombstone
I remember this song!! I used to listen to with my friend Alec! I've heard they make a lot of FNAF songs, but I was never really into that. Love discord though. I miss Alec. We used to be super close, we were both obsessed with Aphmau when we were little. It's a shame we grew apart, but I guess that's life :/

23. NYLA - Blackbear
Ohhhhhhhh this is another sad one. I only listen to this when it's really bad. "You're in New York, I'm in LA" "I know that you're hurt, I know I'm to blame" "I missed you today, so bad that it hurt. My heart, it burns, yes it burns" I relate to it a lot with my BPD, especially one of my former favourite persons who lives in America and he just randomly dipped oen day.

24. Na Na Na - My Chemical Romance
Aha! I was wondering when MCR would show up. OH MY GOD THIS IS THE VERSION WITH THE TALKINGG YESYESYEYSYES. THE FUTURE IS BULLET PROOF THE AFTERMATH IS SECONDARY ITS TO DO IT NOW AND DO IT LOUD KILLJOYS MAKE SOME NOISE NANANANANANNANANA ok sorry I got really excited there. I love this song. I love MCR. My last name is Iero. What more can I say I literally named myself after one of the members I LOVE MCR YAYAYAYAY

25. Love Me Love Me Love Me - Kikuo
Is this vocaloid? I'm pretty sure it's vocaloid. My vocaloid friend made me listen to it. It's a nice song :]
